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RE Software Pty Ltd Private Sector Monetary Sponsorship Policy

  • Private Sector Monetary Sponsorship Policy
  1. Definitions

    "Provider" means RE Software Pty Ltd.

    "Board" means individuals elected by shareholders as the governing body of a company.

  2. Introduction

    The Board is dedicated to guaranteeing that all sponsorship arrangements are conducted in an ethical manner.

    Private sector Monetary Sponsorship opportunities with the Provider are limited to franchise groups, co-ops, and independent real estate agencies with over 40 offices in their network, real estate institutions, and auction houses.

  3. Purpose

    The Board is dedicated to maintaining ethical financial practices. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for creating productive partnerships between the Provider and the private sector, through sponsorship alliances with corporations, foundations, individuals, and non-government organisations. These alliances aim to build strong relationships and provide financial and marketing support for both parties. Sponsorship alliances are a strategic marketing investment that should generate return, rather than a donation. The Provider's mission and mandate will be supported by the additional revenue generated through these partnerships.

  4. Policy

    1. Any sponsorship of the Provider or any symposium, project, program or event held by the organisation will not give the sponsor the power to influence any decision of the organisation.
    2. The Provider will not engage in any partnership or alliance with any corporation or organisation if it would compromise the financial, legal, or moral integrity of the organisation or negatively affect its reputation in the community. Sponsorships from companies that promote tobacco, alcohol, gambling or any products that are not aligned with the Provider's mission are prohibited.
    3. The Provider will accept sponsorships as an additional source of revenue, provided that all sponsorship alliances are developed and maintained in accordance with the regulations set out in this sponsorship policy.
    4. All sponsorship alliances or partnerships must align with the Provider's Private Sector Monetary Sponsorship Policy.
    5. All private sector companies and businesses, are allowed to apply for either Events and Competition Non-Monetary Contribution or Monetary Sponsorship for each individual event. The provider will not entertain multiple proposals for the same event.
  5. Responsibilities

    The development and review of the Private Sector Monetary Sponsorship Policy is the responsibility of the Board.

    All staff members, including casual, permanent, contract, and volunteers, as well as Board members, are responsible for complying with this policy.

  6. Procedures

    For all events and projects, significant financial commitment from the sponsorship alliance is required to help offset the costs associated with the activity.

    All sponsorship relationships involving the Provider must be identified and recorded with a formal Sponsorship Agreement, which is a written document outlining the negotiated terms for sponsorship.

    Naming rights associated with any sponsorship must be approved by the Board.

    Applications for sponsorship will be considered only upon request, and only those providing promotional opportunities for the Provider will be reviewed.

    The applicant seeking sponsorship must submit a written proposal outlining the negotiated terms of the sponsorship, the level of support required, and the benefits to the Provider. A minimum of three months' notice is preferred.

    The proposal must demonstrate evidence of the applicant's ability to manage the project and funds to deliver the projected benefits.

    Sponsorship activity must align with the values and corporate direction of the Provider.

    The Provider reserves the right to request additional information relevant to making an informed decision in relation to sponsorship prior to the agreement and throughout the course of the sponsorship. The amount of information required is at the discretion of the General Manager.

    Sponsorship offers will be based on this policy and the sponsorship budget.

    To be considered successful, applicants must furnish the Provider with a formal agreement that necessitates the agreement and signature of all involved parties.

  7. Private Sector Monetary Sponsorship Policy Agreement Guidelines

    When creating a sponsorship proposal and agreement involving the Provider, the following must be included:

    1. General Information:

      This will include the organisation's name, the contact information of the applicant, and a biography of the organisation.

    2. Description of the Sponsorship Alliance:

      This will include a comprehensive description of the item, project, or event around which the sponsorship alliance is constructed, along with a list of obligations for both parties. It will also explicitly itemise the obligations of the parties in market research or sponsorship analysis.

    3. Advertising and Promotion:

      This will include the advertising coverage, comprising the channels to be utilised and market reach.

    4. Terms of Agreement:

      This will include the dates for the commencement and conclusion of sponsorship alliances.

    5. Key Personnel:

      This will include the names of the individuals primarily responsible for the sponsorship.

    6. Limitations on and Approval of the Use of the Auctions Live Name:

      This will limit the use of our name by the sponsorship alliance in its own promotion and advertising as per negotiated arrangements.

    7. Financial Terms and Schedule of Payments:

      The total value and payment schedule of the sponsorship agreement between the parties will be clearly identified.

    8. Obligations of the Parties to Each Other:

      The obligations of the parties will be determined on an individual basis, including responsibility for any market research or program or evaluation duties, reporting, and approvals.

    9. Breach of Agreement:

      The agreement should stipulate what shall occur in the case of a breach of the agreement.

    10. Sponsorship Discontinuation Rights:

      The Provider reserves the right to cancel the sponsorship should circumstances dictate.

    11. Right to Cancel Sponsorship for Reputational Reasons:

      The Provider reserves the right to cancel the sponsorship if matters occurring or becoming known after the signing of the agreement make it likely, in the Provider’s reasonable opinion, that the continued association of the sponsorship alliance with [Name of Organisation] may cause the Provider to become subject to criticism or otherwise held in disrepute.

    To submit your proposal for sponsorship, please send it via email to Kindly note that the review process may take up to 10 business days. Please be advised that if your sponsorship proposal is declined, the Provider is unable to disclose the reason for the decision.

  8. Policy Update

    This policy will be updated annually or whenever necessary. This policy was last endorsed by the Board on 01/07/2023

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